Is Is Biblically Correct for a Born Again Christian to Be Cremated Instead of Buried?

Possibly one of the bigger questions surrounding the death of a Christian is whether or non cremation is Biblical. Many fearfulness that they or their loved ones will not be able to enter into eternal life if their earthly body is burned or destroyed. Others believe that because it is not traditional that it should not even be considered. This topic leaves many dislocated or frustrated. Is information technology possible to come to a terminal determination? I believe it is.

Is it okay for Christians to be cremated after they dice? It is neither sinful nor incorrect to exist cremated. If a born over again believer is cremated, he or she volition not go to hell merely because of the cremation. In Christ, it neither matters if one is cremated or cached. God is greater than cremation and burying, and He can resurrect either and tin can create the new promised body out of either. There is no impact on eternal destination due to anything that has happened to the torso after death. However, it may not exist the best selection based on Biblical history.

In this blog, I will uncover Biblical standpoints, critical reasoning, and examples apropos cremation and its place in the Christian faith.

Deciding Factor of Eternal Destination

When nosotros die, we volition either end upwards in heaven or in hell. Our soul will leave the body and be thrust into eternity. Moreover, information technology is besides of import to annotation that our eternal destination is not affected, whatsoever, by what happens to our earthly bodies because our eternal destination is dependant on our faith in Christ. If we are found in Christ during our time of death, nosotros volition receive eternal life. However, if we are not institute in Him, nosotros will receive eternal destruction.

The Martyr Objection

Whether you are buried or cremated, neither impacts your eternal destination. This is besides comforting to remember when nosotros consider tragic things that take happened to people's physical bodies after they have died, such as mutilation and other heinous crimes. Our eternal destinations are not impacted by these types of things.

Perhaps a crucial example of this would be the endless martrys of the faith. Consequently, many Christians were burned at the stake because of their spreading of the gospel. If cremation could touch one's salvation, then it would be plausible to state that martrys cannot receive a new body and salvation because their earthly one was burned. This cannot be truthful if God, knowing what His people would suffer, would take back their salvation because of the works of man.

The apostle Paul comforted New Attestation believers in Romans viii:35,37 by maxim, "Who shall separate u.s.a. from the dearest of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Yet in all these things we are more conquerors through Him who loved united states of america. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created matter, shall be able to separate united states from the beloved of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Based on this scripture, nothing can separate u.s. from the love of Christ. Non even the trunk-altering effects of persecution. In improver to cremation, other types of persecution could leave a person barely recognizable or intact. If the effects of our worldly body could deter our new bodies from coming, many would be without the promise of Christ.

New Body

Another scrap of information that is of import to remember is the fact that we will take a new torso one day. All of us who are in Christ are going to exist raised from the dead and given new bodies. I'm non exactly certain how this will happen, so I am speculating if y'all were buried your body would outburst through the grave. That'll be a really neat sight to see. Then, your soul volition be reunited with your body. I am hypothesizing, that if you were cremated, all of the ashes that were spread are going to gather themselves together and transform into a new body. Your soul will be reunited with your body.

Whether you are buried our cremated is irrelevant. Your soul is going to reunite with your torso and if you are a follower of Jesus you are going to take a new trunk. This volition be a perfect body that is similar to the body that Jesus had afterwards He rose from the dead. He was able to walk through walls. He had a perfect body that was non inflicted by disease or sickness. Nosotros are going to have a perfect body similar that. What a glorious day that will be.

Does Cremation Matter?

Ultimately, information technology is important to know that your eternity is non affected by whether or not y'all are cached or cremated. With that in mind, many people would say, "it doesn't matter, do whatever you desire!" Those people may exist right, yet, whenever I am asked questions similar this, I yet enquire myself the question, "Is this platonic?" There may be no clear right or wrong answer. It may feel similar the topic has limited impact. Still, in that location is e'er a amend option and a better basis to refer to.

I don't enquire myself whether it is correct or wrong, I ask myself if this is the best option. There is no doubt that being cremated is not sinful. Information technology'south non wrong. If yous want to be cremated it is perfectly fine. If you accept loved ones and they accept passed on and they were cremated, y'all should not exist afraid for their soul. You should non feel guilty or remorseful that they did something wrong. Not one iota of this is designed to make you feel guilty or agin any. Considering of this, I want to make it very clear. Beingness cremated is non incorrect or sinful.

Biblical Basis

Although is information technology not incorrect or sinful, it yet should be considered whether or not it is platonic. Typically, I recommend that people follow the Biblical patterns whenever at that place is uncertainty. In this example, this would exist burial over cremation. I would recommend that people burry their dead whenever possible considering that is the Biblical pattern. Looking through the Old Testament, nosotros see the people of God burying their dead. Contrasting this, all the heathen nations would burn down their dead. This is one of the ways that the Israelites were different and stood out amongst surrounding nations. Thus, this became the Biblical shape.

In my opinion, we should always be seeking to follow the pattern of God's people whenever possible. In gray areas that are not certain and that feel like there is a limited touch on, I have the side of following Biblical patterns. I especially await to the early church and its fathers, Sometime Testament saints, and people of God in the New Testament. Even if I don't understand why they did it, I try to follow their pattern considering I think that its ideal. There is a reason that God's people have followed certain trends throughout the class of scripture. In our lives, we ought to be seeking to follow Biblical patterns whenever and all the same we tin.

Benefit of Burial

I have read diverse articles online that state that whenever someone sees their loved one buried, it brings closure. This tin be potentially helpful in the healing process. Personally, I've lost people shut to me and peradventure y'all take too. Based on research, watching someone being buried has the potential to aid in the healing procedure equally you move forward. This inquiry is not grandly substantiated only it should be considered in the purpose and benefit of burial.

Overall, betwixt burying and cremation, you lot are completely free to choose whatever you think is best. My preference would be to cull burial because I believe it falls in line with the Biblical blueprint.

Benefits of Cremation

Cremation is noted for being a significant amount cheaper than traditional burial procedures. Furthermore, cremation can permit the ceremony time to be more flexible. Additionally, cremation is portable and can create more possibilities for a concluding resting place. Some people desire to have their bodies or ashes placed in a special or specific place after death. Cremation can make this a possibility when traditional burial creates limitations. As well, cremation saves space in the ground and has been recognized for beingness more environmentally friendly.

Some other benefit is based more on personal preference. Some family unit members don't desire their last experience with their loved ones to exist with a lifeless trunk. Due to this, they may choose cremation (if their loved one so desired). However, others may benefit from a traditional burial because it brings closure and reality to the event that merely took place. Denial is a common result after someone'due south loved one has passed abroad. By seeing the body buried, it may help them come up to the final conclusion sooner.

Old Attestation References about Burial

The Old Attestation has many verses virtually death and burial. Equally I stated before, we tin can acquire from the Biblical pattern that we run across. These Old Attestation accounts give us reason to follow in the tradition of burial that the fathers of the faith followed. We can see that burial was an important office of their life and duty equally offspring. It was honoring and pregnant for the family of the deceased to bury their dead as they had wished.

This listing is in the Biblical order of Books:

Reference Verse
Genesis 23:4 "I am a greenhorn and a company among you.
Give me property for a burying place among
you, that I may bury my dead out of my
Genesis 23:6 "Hear us, my lord: You are a mighty prince
among us; coffin your dead in the choicest of
our burial places. None of united states volition withhold
from you his burial identify, that yous may bury your expressionless."
Genesis 23:20 "And so the field and the cave that is in it were
deeded to Abraham by the sons of Heth as belongings for a burial place."
Genesis 47:xxx "Only let me prevarication with my fathers; y'all shall
carry me out of Arab republic of egypt and bury me in their
burial identify.' And he said, 'I will practise as you
have said."
Genesis l:5 "My father made me swear, saying, 'Behold, I am dying; in my grave which I dug for myself in the land of Canaan, there you shall bury
me.' At present therefore, please let me go up and bury my begetter, and I volition come dorsum."
2 Samuel 21:14 "They buried the basic of Saul and Jonathan his son in the country of Benjamin in Zelah,
in the tomb of Kish his male parent. So they
performed all that the king commanded.
And subsequently that God heeded the prayer for the country."
2 Chronicles 24:xvi "And they buried him in the City of David
among the kings, because he had washed adept in Israel, both toward God and His house."

New Testament References about Expiry, Eternal Life, and Burying

The New Testament continues in the tradition of burying the dead. Jesus Himself was buried after His decease. The New Testament also speaks greatly of eternal life and what will happen to one's body and spirit afterwards they have died. These verses limited that zippo can divide us from Christ. Information technology is not conspicuously stated but it can exist implicitly ended that cremation cannot separate us from Christ either.

The post-obit verses are in Biblical order of books:

Reference Verse
Marking 14:8 "She has done what she could. She has come beforehand to anoint My body for burying."
John 10:27-29 "My sheep heed to my vox; I know them,
and they follow me. I give them eternal life,
and they shall never perish; no i will
snatch them out of my hand. My Father, whohas given them to me, is greater than all;
no one can snatch them out of my Father'south
John 11:25-26 "Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and
the life. The one who believes in me will alive,even though they dice; and whoever lives by
believing in me will never dice."
Acts eight:2 "And devout men carried Stephen to his
burial, and fabricated bully lamentation over
Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the expert of those who dearest him, who have
been called co-ordinate to his purpose."
Romans 8:38-39 "For I am convinced that neither death nor
life, neither angels nor demons, neither the
present nor the future, nor any powers,
neither peak nor depth, nor anything else
in all creation, will exist able to separate us
from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus
our Lord."
Romans xiv:8 "If we live, nosotros live for the Lord; and if we die,
we dice for the Lord. So, whether we live or
dice, nosotros vest to the Lord."
1 Corinthians 15:40 "There are also heavenly bodies and there
are earthly bodies; but the splendor of the
heavenly bodies is ane kind, and the
splendor of the earthly bodies is another."
1 Corinthians 15:42-44 "So will it be with the resurrection of the
dead. The torso that is sown is perishable, information technology
is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, information technology is raised in glory; information technology is sown in weakness, it
is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual torso."
ane Corinthians 15:54 "When the perishable has been clothed with
the imperishable, and the mortal with
immortality, and then the saying that is written
will come true: "Death has been swallowed
up in victory."
ii Corinthians 5:ane-2 "For nosotros know that if the earthly tent we alive
in is destroyed, we have a building from God,
an eternal firm in sky, non built by
human being hands. Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed instead with our heavenly
dwelling, considering when we are clothed, we will not be found naked."
1 Thessolonians 4:thirteen-14 "Brothers and sisters, we do not desire you to exist uninformed about those who slumber in
death, so that you do not grieve similar the balance
of mankind, who have no hope. For we
believe that Jesus died and rose once again, and
so we believe that God volition bring with Jesus
those who accept fallen asleep in him."

Concluding Response

Although cremation is not a sin and it is non technically incorrect, it tin can exist concluded that information technology is not the traditional model that our overarching family of faith has taken. If nosotros are striving to follow Biblical values and the content that we see within scripture, we will take the established arroyo of burial. Nonetheless, based on the preference of the deceased and his or her family, cremation tin can also exist an selection. There is no known penalty for cremation that can be concluded through scripture.

Essentially, this depends on the confidence of each individual, what they believe, and what they value. The choice between cremation and burial should be discussed inside the family. There are a variety of factors that should be considered before making a final decision. In that location is neither a right or wrong reply, rather, there is a choice and option for each individual.


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