| I don't use the Mail class very much at all, but the code looks OK. It looks like there is a configuration problem with your server, or how the server authentication is setup, or a proxy issue, or something else network related. | | | | I am opening an application using the following code: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\pcch2\macros\test\test.edp") The application opens fine, and the program (test.edp) is set-up to automatically run a set of macros when opened. This runs fine as well. The trouble I am having is that I am trying to schedule this to be run multiple times a day, but to do so I need the program to be closed once the macros complete. Is there similar code to System.Diagnostics.Process.Start that will close a program? | | | | System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\pcch2\macros\test\test.edp") returns as process object. Use the kill method to close the app. | | | | I tried using System.Diagnostics.Process.getcurrentprocess.kill() but that does not seem to work. if I am using System.Diagnostics.Process.start("c:\test.edp") what would the kill statement be? | | | | farmer wrote: System.Diagnostics.Process.start("c:\test.edp") You're missing the returned object from the Start method. It's: Dim newProc As Process = Process.Start(" C:\test.edp") ... do something that waits for the process to complete it' s work newProc.Close() You may want to read up on the Process class before you start throwing code around. It helps to know what's actually going on and what you're options are for controlling the new process you launch. | | | | Hi, I am using System.Diagnostics.Process.start(" c:\test.edp") I think you must have created an instance of the Process class as Start is not a static method. What you need to do to stop the process is call the Kill method on that instance. Alan. Oops, I see from Dave's post that there is static overload of Start. | | | | Get a list of all the current running processes and close the ones you want. Cheers! Any suggestions, ideas, or 'constructive criticism' are always welcome. | | | | hello everyone... i have a problem with my program, everytime i selected all items on list box then export it in excel i always got this error: "Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program". But when i only selected one item on list box, it works properly.. thanks in advance.. jyn | | | | Hummmm, tough one! I think that your computer has "Insufficient memory" to process the list of items you have selected. How did I come to that conclusion? Who knows? Steve Jowett ------------------------- Real programmers don't comment their code. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read. | | | | Which one RAM you are using. I think this is a RAM Capacity Problem.. bye | | | | Hi, I have a string and I want to make my string 'blue' through my code. Can anyone tell me how to do that. Thanks & Regards Mishra | | | | Try the following code : Dim g As Graphics = Me.Creategraphics ' or use other control on which you are drawing ur string. Dim str As String = "Your String" Dim myfont As New Font("Times New Roman", 16, FontStyle.Regular) Dim txtsize As SizeF txtsize = g.MeasureString(str, myfont) Dim rect As RectangleF = New RectangleF(New PointF(0, 0), txtsize) Dim mybrush As Brush = New LinearGradientBrush(rect, Color.Blue, Color.Blue, LinearGradientMode.ForwardDiagonal) g.DrawString(str, myfont, mybrush, New Point(20,20)) Hope,you got what you wanted! Gagan | | | | Change the ForeColor property of the Label or TextBox that you use to display the string value. myLabel.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue Steve Jowett ------------------------- Real programmers don't comment their code. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read. | | | | Hi, I want to decrease the no of roundtrips to the database for that i have implemented that on form_load i am retrieving the datarows required from the database and storing those in the dataset. And i am doing all the modification(updates,delete and inserts) in dataset and finally using dataadapter and commandbuilder objects i am updating all the modifications to the database at a one shot. This is working fine. But I need help to synchronize the dataset to the database i.e. On form_load i filled the dataset and after that another user updated the database but my dataset doesn't have these updates, so when i update database using mydataset and dataadapter and command builder the updates done by another user earlier have been overwritten. I heared that Merge method of dataset is helpfull in this scenarios, but for me it is not working so plz help me on this by giving small example. Thanks in advance | | | | praveenkumar palla wrote: and after that another user updated the database but my dataset doesn't have these updates This requirement just dictated to you that you can't just load the data in FormLoad and hold onto it. Now you have no choice but to keep the round trips and hold onto data only as long as you need to update it. Search Googling around for "ADO.NET Concurrency" and you'll find that this is not an easy problem to solve. Oh...and "Merge" isn't going to help you here. | | | | i am aworking in vs2005 vb.net , i have a DLL Project named MYLIBRARY when i build this project individually it creates the dll and other related files in the bin\debug folder of the project directory , but when i add a new project my win application and add it's project reference to my win application and compile the project so it creates the dll and other related files in the bin\ , although the setting of the project shows the Bin\Debug path for Dll file. win application works ok , the problem is just witn DLL project. any idea? tyhanks in advance hello | | | | ghumman63 wrote: i have a DLL Project named MYLIBRARY when i build this project individually it creates the dll and other related files in the bin\debug folder of the project directory , but when i add a new project my win application and add it's project reference to my win application and compile the project so it creates the dll and other related files in the bin\ This is impossible to read because you're not using any punctuation and the sentence is switching contexts throughout, leaving the reader completely dumbfounded as to what you're refering to and when. Try explaining this a bit better so we can figure out what problem you're talking about. | | | | What all i can get out of it is there is some issues when u are compiling the project about ur dll reference. What u can try is go to project properties and then to publish tab. You will have a application files button which lists all the dll and included files. You can change there Publish status of ur missing dll to Include Good luck | | | | I have three table A, B and C. Table A contain list of books borrow everyday. Table B contain the list of Books available in library. Table C suppose to have list of book not borrowed per day. I need a sample code to do this. I am using MS Access as my Backend database. My Code is as follows: "Insert into TableC (BookID,[Name], Author) (Select * From Table B where BookID) Not in (Select * from Table C where [Date] between ' " & TextBox1.Text & "' and ' " & TextBox2.Text & "'" Thank you. Thayhor | | | | | Thayhor wrote: Table C suppose to have list of book not borrowed per day. Why would you put that data in a table? You are only causing redundancy in the database. Thayhor wrote: where BookID) Not in ( You can't have one operand (BookID) inside the parenthesis and the operator (Not in) and the other operand (Select...) outside the parenthesis. Thayhor wrote: between ' " & TextBox1.Text & "' and ' " & TextBox2.Text & "' You should use parameterised queries. Your query is wide open for SQL injection attacks. | | | | I got this old application that needs to be deployed locally. I am converting it to a network-enabled version. I finished the SQL Server conversion part. Now I am going to do the network-enabling part. I mostly worked with web apps. So, I'll really appreciate if anyone can point me to the right direction for this. Thanks. | | | | | Sorry about the confusion. I basically meant the application will run on the server only, and will be available on the network. Therefore others will be able to use it from their computers, while its running in the server. Thanks. | | | | OK, so how are the clients going to use the app if it's "running on the server"?? Obviously, the app has to expose some kind of interface, either UI-based through an existing technology, like a web browser, or through an API that another application uses, such as a Windows Forms app. Or, did you mean that the .EXE files are going to sit on the server and the clients are going to launch them from the shared location?? In which case, you're going to need to read up on Code Access Security because code running from any remote source, including authenticated file shares, is not trusted by the .NET CLR by default and will run in a heavily restricted sandbox. | | | |
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